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The human mind is a marvelous set of structures and systems. It is a center
of consciousness and action. It forms a unique identity. It creates a view of
the world. Rich experience emerges from its interactions with the world. It
thinks. It feels. It wants. It apprehends truths and suppresses errors. It
achieves insights and fabricates prejudices. Both useful truths and harmful
misconceptions are its intermixed products. It can as easily believe what is
false as what is true.

So it’s true…I’m an idiot.

I fell for the age-old manipulation game. I saw that tasty worm on the hook, and charged for it. I just can’t believe I let myself fall for it after so many times before. I’ve realized he is my drug. Him, who’s name I will not bring up again in respect of him. So that tasty worm pulled me down so low I had to be locked away in Meadhaven, a psychiatric unit in Baptist Hospital in Montgomery. It was definitely a cool experience looking back into my previous week, despite how much I hated being there at the time. There was the crazy old lady who was extremely sensitive and overly nice to other people (I swear she had to be a Pisces). Damn she knew how to work your nerves though. But she was a hoot and I kinda miss her! Her name was Linda. Then there was the multi-personality patient who had a wig for each person she was for the moment, and swore I was a famous person because I was “good-looking” (hey I’ll take it). And let’s not forget the schizo who swore up and down that there were people messing with her who nobody else could see. Poor girl. Anyways, it was well worth the visit, and I feel ready to start my journey into the unknown. Wish me luck! One day at a time.

Chris Mahood - also known as Chris Strickland

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